I wrote the below post about Shahrazad Ali, I never dreamt it would be
one of the most popular post on this blog
receiving thousands upon thousands of hits.
How ironic considering that this blog was started to shine the spotlight on a prosecutor, who publicly lynched my black son in the court of public opinion in 2007 before he was ever convicted in a court of law.
The man who this blog was created about is Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. I created this blog as an online personal journal, and as a way to heal. Almost 8 years and over 500 post later, I’m still healing.
I’m not going to go into my son’s story with
this post but if you really want to know search this blog and let the story
Back to Shahrazad Ali
Like some, I first became aware of Ali after she
wrote her controversial book and appeared on several talk shows. However,
back then I wasn’t a conscious community activist.How ironic considering that this blog was started to shine the spotlight on a prosecutor, who publicly lynched my black son in the court of public opinion in 2007 before he was ever convicted in a court of law.
Shahrazad Ali was
raised in Cincinnati, Ohio where this “Blog” lives. She is an author of the most famous book The
Blackman's Guide to Understanding the Blackwoman.
The man who this blog was created about is Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. I created this blog as an online personal journal, and as a way to heal. Almost 8 years and over 500 post later, I’m still healing.
After the
death of teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012, who was shot and killed by
George Zimmerman (who recently tried to sell his gun), Ali reemerged as a
guest commentator on the DrDrew show on HLN. There she stirs the
racial pot with the best of them.
One evening after Ali appeared on the DrDrew show, I wrote the below post which
as you will read isn’t anything
spectacular, but for whatever reason it gets a lot of hits.
Ms. Ali called the Conservative Black Chick an Oreo. Perhaps, it wasn't politically correct to call her an Oreo, but clearly the "chick" has some deep issues of self-hate.
Nevertheless, referring to someone as Oreo is taking the cat fight that Dr. Drew and his audience crave to a new low.
Before the Zimmerman trial did anyone watch Dr. Drew on HLN?
(Side note: Look what Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara is up to now)
Probably you watched if you're into "Maury" type drama.
That show and some others like it, make a living off people fighting, not debating.
Final point, Frank Taaffe is the reason - we at this blog - don’t watch much TV.
His insensitivity is enough to make you vomit. I wonder does he embarrass white people.
Do you watch HLN or Dr. Drew? Do you think the network's coverage of the Zimmerman trial has been harmful to black people?
FBK is an unapologetic eBook writer. Her 19-year-old beloved son is serving a 20-year sentence for a bank robbery that he committed to pay for college tuition, and it’s real fked up.

please excuse racist comments from blog readers - in comment section - after this post. we posted SOME of the comments we received to make the readers aware that Racism lives. It festers in the heart of people like Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe "I love Hookers" Deters.
Thanks Kimball P. and Alex T. Love your comments.
see related blog post here.
"but clearly the "chick" has some deep issues of self-hate"
What, exactly, has she said that would make you say such a thing?
the "chick" said, I agree with Frank Taffee. Nuff said.
Disgusting....she was called an Oreo more than once!
Also why is this a white/black issue when GZ is Peruvian Latino? Just Curious?
She was called an Oreo more than once! Are You All not listening! And GZ is Peruvian/ white/Jew! But some make him white how??!!? Stop the bs race war, there are people trying to stir up and us young people must stop! Stop helping these race war people of Every Race from messing with us and baiting us and Stop Them from making Money!!!!.
A lot of people have and do Watch Dr. Drew's Show!
The truth of the matter is that white people started the race war. Shahrazad Ali is right! Chrystal is so screwed up! Only people with sense will understand that.
ms. ali is the BIGGESR RACIST that I've seen thus far on tv in my 42 yrs. of life!! Calling Crystal an OREO?" is unacceptable. If I were 2 call her a "porch monkey", SAND NIGGER or NIGGER...I'd prob. have charges brought against me!! and last nite 2 start talking about "well, 400 yrs yrs. ago" wtf is that shit? and she brought up $$ that was owed 2 blacks????? ru kidding me? I'm so sick of black pple ALWAYS using the race card...ESPECIALLY nowaday's.Oh, I wish I was around 4 slavery Ms. Ali...cuz I'd have you be MY SLAVE-FACT! LOL LOL LOL
When did he pull the plug? only on that episode? she has been on every day since then
To the person saying: I'm so sick of black pple ALWAYS using the race card...
Well guess what, I'm so sick of white people ALWAYS accusing black people using the race card! HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES? In 42 years yo've been searching tv for the BIGGEST RACIST? What a waste of time when all you had to do was look in the mirror.
I am thrilled and delighted that GZ is a free man. I too am tired of black racists like shahrazad ali fueling the flames of race hate. just how you can condemn race hatred at the same time you are wallowing in it yourself is beyond rational thought as she plainly is. To the haters, have a friend sucker punch you in the face breaking your nose then have them start banging your head on cement then relate to us all how friendly it is.
This woman is not helping anyone out black or white , and using the word oreo cookie on crystal wright was like a demonic attack ....
This woman is not helping anyone out black or white , and using the word oreo cookie on crystal wright was like a demonic attack ....
"Miss Ali,: like so many other "oppressed" blacks is just looking for a check. She said last night that the lampshape she wears on her head is a crown and she's a queen and the "Mother of the Universe." I promise she is not my mother and I am a resident of this universe.
Slavery was in itself horrific, but blacks are not the only ones who suffered from some form of inhuman behavior. Ms Ali claims we owe them, not treated fairly, our for fathers are not her for fathers, etc. etc. Why are only white people accused of being racist? So tired of everything political correct for fear of offending someone. This is America, "In God We Trust" If any race is offended of feel they are mistreated,, then they have the right and freedom to move back to their native country. I seriously doubt that Ms Ali would be a self proclaimed queen there.
I agree.
Shahrazad Ali is a racist. She shows her hatred of whites EVERY single time she is on. I am NOT watching HLN until they pull the plug on her for GOOD. Just like A Sharpton, Ms. Ali is promoting hatred. She is not part of the solution, she is part of the problem.
Your backs must be sore, carrying around all the dead weight of the past. Isn't it time to let go and move forward, instead of being weighted down, and held back, BY YOUR CHOICE?
People like Ali are promulgating division, hatred, and racism, black racism.
The problems of black americas start in your own backyard. Solve your own social problems first, or at least take major steps towards solutions, take personal responsibility, rather than take the easy way (blaming others) for your own, cultural and social problems.
We don't hear much complaining about the rampant black on black killings....is that somehow OK and condoned?
Just watching Dr. Drew again and watching Ms. Ali go nuts on everyone again. She is very racist against anyone that is not 100% black. She is not even partially kind to someone who is 1/2 black. If she is the voice for all blacks, your race is in trouble.
You gotta be fkn kidding?!
I don't know what is more embarrassing, her screeching racist comments or that paper mache edifice on her head.
Can't we all just get along!!!!
Africans started the slave trade. It was Africans who sold their own indentured servants to the "white" man. Maybe you should check the history books. Preaching hate doesn't help anyone and that's all she does. She bashes the very constitution that gives her the right to do so by saying "its not our constitution". God is a racist too now according to her. If America is awful then leave and serve your lord Satan somewhere else.
Can we not just move on and get along? We will never heal if we hold on to the past.
"You cave dwellers never faced the oppression of slavery"
WRONG! Europeans like (almost) everyone else were slaves. Throughout the time since humans created city-states they have been enslaving each other. It was considered a normal part of the human condition. It was Europeans who unilaterally ended it in every locale that they had control. By far the main source of black slaves for the trans-Atlantic slave trade were the more powerful black kingdoms like Benin and Dahomey.
Posted by a history major.
"DR." Ali is there for controversy...nothing else...enjoy her...she's dinner and a show...
You'd have to fight me for Ms. Ali as a slave. Cause she'd be in my field pickin'
Wow....calling us "crackers" really moves the conversation in a positive direction. You are no better than George Zimmerman and all those who think and act like him. Congratulations.
I know you people like chicken But why is she wering the buckit on her head
As stated by Ms. Ali white people don't ever think nothing is racist. And clearly, that girl Crysal is an OREO! She disgust me on Dr. Drew's show!
Why Didnt Dr Drew pull the plug on Frank Taaffe for Calling black people Cotton pickers.And his Attacks on Rachel Jeantel
Mrs. Ali is a Crazy Racist that is just trying to make money and sell books!
Dr.Drew Needs to Stop having her on HIS Show, or myself and others will Quit Watching!
Mrs. Ali, is a Racist that also is trying to start trouble for All!
Shahrazad \
ad\ as a girl's name is a variant of Sheherezade (Arabic, Farsi, Persian), and the meaning of Shahrazad is "city dweller".
I am sorry but when did Africa adopt Arabic names??? Not to mention has anyone asked Ali if she is mixed. She sure does look a little light skinned to me!!! "Oreo"....it takes one to know one!!!! LOl I think the "lamp shade" on her head looks great!!
I find it so funny that Blacks think they can never be considered racist.
Miss Ali clearly proves that blacks are just as racist if not more so.
By the way she must have failed basic math in school as well,because her 400 years of (oppression) puts slavery of black back to 1613.
The United States wasn't even settled
until the late 1700s.
Wow, it is sad. Gz killed an unarmed boy. He was told to stand down, yet he pursued this boy anyways. Defending himself because he was scared, gz has been FOLLOWING HIM, why can he not defend himself. Rent a cop, that could be a real cop was shamed and he brought out his gun. He came out of his car yet he was afraid. He had a gun why would he even let it get that far. Slavery was a physical imprisonment followed by a mental imprisonment. This is the crafty plan devised by Willy Lynch. Take the mind and and it will last for up to 300 years. Now we are awaking from this conditioning and moving away from the many different ways that they devised to make us hate each other. The Arabs sold us into the North Atlantic slave trade. The Arab slave trade was around 1000 years prior to the transatlantic slave trade. Slavery always came with rules America dID not follow and proved to have the most inhumane slave holder that the world has seen. " and the most high will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, AS SWIFT AS AN EAGLE FLIES, a fierce looking nation, which shall show not regàrd for the elderly nor show favour to the young." Deuteronomy 28:49-51. Ali has the right idea, I bet none of you ev3n listened to one of her seminars before you wanna talk about her. She talks about us accepting responsibility and playing our roles as the black woman. She is delivering a message for us to understand why we are in this position. The black man is profiled always. That's why we made good slaves in the first place because by just one look we can be separated. Ali needs to find Yah then she will know that all people are excepted by the Almighty so long as the keep the laws statues and commands. My people perish from a lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. N I'll tell u something else, so called blacks are not African's. Africa is a content there are different nations that occupy there. N most of Africa is controlled by Jews now. We are a cultivating nation this is another reason why they picked us to grow their wealth. America was built from the hands of our nation. This is how the so called Africans told the Arabs about us, which they in turn told the Europeans. That is why even Africans do not identify with the so called African Americans named after a continent and not a nation. Every other nation knows who they are, where the come from, family trees etc. Why do u think the so called black man can't trace his roots more than a couple of generations. We are a forgotten people. We don't even know who we are. Any ways the time of the gentil has to be fulfilled. Final comment Ali said he would be found not guilty and that was fulfilled because the life of a black man in america has no value, that's why our leaders lead us astray.
LOL. Crystal has deep issues of self-hate? Sorry, I've always considered myself a very logical person & call things like I see them (I'm a Libertarian, I don't see purely just shades of black or white, rather a mix of both). I have no biases on any race other than mine and only judge people based solely on the content of their character (ae: When it comes to judging others, I'm 100% colorblind when it comes to color of skin & 100% reliant on what someone says/how they act & treat others). From watching/hearing Shahrazad spew her false assumptions, stereotypes, outright lies, & race profiling EVERY single night in which she loves to group ALL white ppl into a group of one and the same; a group that all thinks the same, acts the same, & believes in/does the crazy sh1t that she claims that they ALL do, it has gave me no other choice than to straight out 100% believe (from day #1) that the reason she does this HAS to be coming from "some deep issues of pure hate" that for whatever reason, she has bottled up inside of that sick mind of hers. It is a combination of self hate as well as hate for any other person that she feels is not black or "black enough" (whatever that means). Can't you see by her going on night after night saying outrageous things about ALL white ppl & carrying on as if ALL white ppl are demonic/full blown racist clan members is doing EXACTLY that of which she claims is SO wrong (and apparently ALL white ppl do/are guilty of)? Her own ignorance is at such a high level that she cannot see that all of her profiling, stereotyping, labeling, assuming is NOT by any means ANY type of progress (that she claims to be fighting/"speaking out" for) and is nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black. Ppl like Shahrazad and Frank Taffe are the reason for what's holding us back ITO race relations/racial harmony/racial equality in this country. Their POV's are full-blown extremely insane because of all the hatred that lies behind each's POV which, when expressed, comes across to many -who are truly seeking intelligent discussion amongst us- (with the hopes for some true progress to come of it) as nothing more than pure nonsense. It's so frustrating because of the extreme racial hatred that comes along with it as ppl w/ that POV only want to waste every single day of their life pointing their racist finger at the other race & refusing to do what's right and what's best for us as a human race and concede that hatred. Because without us ALL on board and as long as their is a healthy amount of Taffe's, Ali's, & Zimmerman's out there, there will always be racism and sadly if this is to remain unchanged, things will NEVER change & the African American will continue to suffer the most. If African American women act like Sharazad, women/men of all races are correct to assume the worst of them. If white men act like Taffe, women/men of all races are correct to assume the worst of them. If hispanic men act like Zimmerman, women/men of all races are correct to assume the worst of them. Since I see that those who blog here/some who comment here foolishly think that Sharazad is the female reincarnation of MLK & believe in what she says is the TRUTH and the way to progress for the black race, I say this last comment for you: Unless you are a full blown racist/Black Panther yourself who just doesn't give a sh1t if things continue the way that they are, wake up!! It's SO clear that Sharazad -and those that think like her/agree with her extremist views- are a huge PART of the problem here.
Shahrazad is the female Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson....
-AKA- the proper definition to describe Shahrazad is:
1. pathetic race hustler masquerading for civil rights while heavily destroying them in the process.
2. Pot calling the kettle black.
As long as there are those few fools who blindly follow these frauds as if they are "the real truth" & continue to NEVER wake up out of their zombie/ racist-filled trance, NEVER get a self-thinking, half-logical, common-sense based mind of their own, & NEVER shed that progress-blocking racism that each is harboring in their own hearts RACISM will stay ALIVE & WELL; therefore REAL PROGRESS can never be born/become a REALity (in this country).
So sad all the hate in the world! I myself don't hate anyone for the color of there skin. I hope people see how horrible rascim is and stop. You don't have to marry one are even live next door to a white person are black person! But you should at least except them as being a person! And learn are try and just be nice!
I thought the Ali lady was a comedian put on Dr Drew as comic relief. Does anyone take her crap seriously!?
I agree with all of the comments that call Miss Ali racist. She needs to seek professional help. In fact I agree, with any comment that says anything negative about her.
OMG!!! when i first hear her talk its like i just want to go thru the tv and smack her. She is a true racist and stirs the pot like al Sharpton and Jackson. Get some counciling Ms Ali. One of my best friends is a black and i am white but i feel uneasy saying anything sometimes feeling like i am going to insult blacks and that is not my intention. One such incident a rental company came to a black residence to recover a 52 in screen tv which this black had not made any payments for. The company driver was a white and he was accused of being racist. Now what are we to do Ms Ali when ever whites try to do something its turned around that whites are racist. Are we to just give in and give him the TV
This is sad and so disgusting! We are All Human Beings! We are All the Human Race! We are All Related!!!!
Right! Apparently it's only ok for her and her people to be racist. She could at least back up her hate speech with something logical, factual but she just knows how to be getto. She makes no valid point, just calls people names and tries to be louder than everyone.... Horrible representative!
Personally there are some things that Miss Ali says that I agree with, and there are other things she says that I don't share the same opinion. However, just a message to those whom have shared their desire to have Miss Ali as their slave. Forget about it!
Site you sources for this bs info
Wow. So much to say, with so little space.I suppose I will start with Ms. Ali. I would like to know, other than her publications, what has she done to help preserve the integrity of the Black Community? What exactly are her credentials? I hear her talking about the Black woman's role in the disintegration of the Black family, and how the Black woman is responsible for the Black man's continuous spiral downward. I also know how she has the propensity to resort to name calling in an attempt to prove her point, or when someone disagrees with her. I know she has a brood of mostly adopted children (I applaud her for this); but, is she even married, or in a relationship herself? Here's my point. As a progressive Black woman who HAS been in the trenches for most her life, I cannot even begin to tell you how it really irritates me to see people attempting to make money off of the backs of Black people...be they Black or White. For all you people out there who are tired of hearing the race card, well, that's too bad. Your ancestors created what is known to be one of the most despicable occurrences in the history of mankind; and, until you clearly acknowledge the injustices that still remain, and work to totally abolish hatred and intolerance in America, then you are simply another ingredient to the already existing problem. RACISM EXISTS AMERICA, and you cannot blame the victim that is continuously being victimized. And, for God's sake, please stop blaming the Black woman for all that goes wrong within our community - the trifling men (I refuse to call them father's) who need excuses not to take care of their babies, gang-bangers, etc. I will say this America. Black women have, for whatever reasons, spoiled our men. When one claims we have taken over the man's role, take a long hard look at history. We were forced into women's lib before there was women's lib. Our children were forced to be latchkey, before their were latchkey kids. I was not long ago we witnessed our children being snatched from under our bosom, and sold like cattle. How some sickos forced the in-breeding of slaves to make a buck. Yes, all of this happened so long ago right? Wrong. you see, it was my great-grandfather, a sold slave, who gained his freedom at 16 by fighting in the Civil War, who voiced the atrocities he faced. This is so close to me, I can taste it. I can also see the effects of this trauma from generation to generation. Some of you want to send us back? Well, I am where I belong. I was born here. If you want me to go back, then make sure you give me the proper compensation; because, my people were kidnapped, and literally dragged here like dogs for little or no pay. We never asked to come here. You want Blacks to stop using the race card? Then stop compiling your lopsided statistics, that are primarily used for your advantage, which already have you with a marked advantage. Why do you feel you need to continuously compare yourselves to us anyway? I don't know, seems a little insecure to me. Just saying. I have so much more to say, but will take a breath. Play nicely now.
I am sure I may be too late, but when is she going again?
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