The inscription above her head tauntingly read ‘She cares about the children’
Each morning except on occasion, 7 days a week, I get up at 4:45 am, put on a pot of coffee and turn on my laptop. If it’s a work day, I write from about 5-6 am.
If not a work day, it’s not uncommon for me to write the entire day, give or take the essential things that must be done.
Why, am I telling you this? I’m telling you this because for the most part, except when on occasion, “I’m on some other shit,” I take my writing, love and commitment to the community very seriously.
I realize that words are powerful, that they deserve a great deal of respect. These words that I have written today reflect the heaviness of my heart.
Since Judge Tracie Hunter was indicted about 16 days ago, I have been in mourning.
Over the death of the future of our children and the
certainty of a school to prison pipeline
Over the death of democracy in Hamilton County
Over the temporarily torture and death of Judge Hunter’s
Over the death of fair and balanced media coverage
Over the death of the criminal justice system
Over the death of the mostly silent Democratic party
Over the death of the silence of so-called Christians
Over the death of power of anyone except the disgustingly brutal brutes in the Hamilton County
Republican Party
Last week I wrote that what was happening to the Honorable Judge Tracie Hunter felt like a 21stcentury high tech lynching.
I stand corrected.
The Honorable Judge Hunter is being crucified.
As this saga continues to unfold my tears continue to flow, and my heart gets heavier. I find myself struggling to understand the why, why is this happening? Why does it hurt so badly? I would describe my relationship with Judge Hunter as friendly. From the bottom of my heart, I believe that she is “good people.” I would put her sanity up against any brute in Cincinnati.
Bullshit like this doesn’t happen to good people. This situation makes me so angry that if I had the tendencies of a 21-year freckled face, red hair boy who grew up with guns – I might do something terrible.
Thankfully, I am a mature and mostly sane woman raised by a wonderful and beloved grandmother who was a devout Christian of about 40 years. She passed away and never got to see the first African-American president elected – and thankfully she isn’t alive to see the first African-American woman (juvenile court judge) get crucified.
I challenge any of you – real or fake Christian - to DENY that Judge Hunter has been beaten, punched, spit upon, whipped, tortured and she has been NAILED TO A CROSS. I challenge any of you to deny the repugnant details of this modern day crucifixion.
“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as your will.”
Comments from insightful blog reader:
DEMOCRACY being crucified. The ideas and thoughts at make this country great and which form the basis for our U.S. and State Constitutions. What's CRUCIFIED? The PEOPLE's right to vote and to have that VOTE counted without further political manipulation is the REAL issue.
cc: National Action Network Rev. Al Sharpton
FBK is an unapologetic black eBook writer who speaks truth to power!
I think the issue is larger than a few racist jerks picking on the first African American Judge in Hamilton County. Actually, it's DEMOCRACY being crucified. The ideas and thoughts that make this country great and which form the basis for our U.S. and State Constitutions. What's CRUCIFIED? The PEOPLE's right to vote and to have that VOTE counted without further political manipulation is the REAL issue.
Why don't Hunter supporters deal with the charges Judge Hunter is facing? Judge Hunter supporters are talking about everything else but her charges. The juvenile justice system is not on trial...Judge Hunter is. She allegedly back dated documents. Her own employees are going to testify against her! Deal with that.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
I beg to differ Anonymous, the juvenile justice system is on trial, and if it's not then it most certainly should be. The one thing that has come to light since the controversy involving Judge Hunter is how broken the system truly is. Why are more children bound over in Hamilton County than any other county? Why are the public defenders not filing motions to dismiss cases out of time? Why was Judge Hunter singled out? If Ray Faller was so concerned about a back log why did he not have his staff file motions to speed things up at the magistrate level? Why did the attorneys appointed against her not file answers, which led to a default judgment? Why did the courts refuse to allow counsel to represent her pro bono vs paying appointed attorneys to do nothing? The juvenile justice system in Hamilton County is on trial. Maybe you don't see it now, but you will. I am a firm believer that the truth is unassailable. Stay tuned.
"I think the issue is larger than a few racist jerks picking on the first African American Judge in Hamilton County"
Could someone please let Judges Marsh, West, Allen, Rucker, Mallory, Mallory, & Berry (I think I got all of them) know that they aren't African Americans?
Sunshine, you're proving my point. You just rattled off a list of questions that have nothing to do w/Judge Hunter being charged w/9 felony counts. If Judge Hunter is convicted of any of these charges, she will NOT go down as MLK, Ghandi, or any of those giants. She will go down as a common criminal who attempted to cheat the appeal system. Judge Hunter and her supporters can't put the juvenile justice system on trial if Judge Hunter doesn't have "clean hands."
7 repeat posts ?? Jesus! or should I say Tracie! ?
anyway, let your 3 year old handle the tough stuff like posting on a blog......
The fact that this site would put her on the cross comparing her to Christ speaks volumes about the creators of this site. Disgusting.
I would suggest that someone who thinks what she has done is the right thing, find a way to console the victims of rape and robbery and explain to them why the person who has done these things to them has walked away free of punishment because the victim still matters when Ms. Hunter would ensure that the defendants were protected more than the victims.
This is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.
Ms. Edna.
Judge Hunter is not the first African American female judge in Hamilton County. Judges Marsh, Grant, Burke, Allen and Grant have all been on the bench years. Judge Marsh almost 30 years.
Well, I filed a criminal complaint against Common Pleas Court Magistrate Micheal Bachman and Judge Carl Stich Jr. for aiding and abiding JP Morgan Chase to continue committing perjury, submitting false documents and fraudulently trying to foreclose on my home once again.
Judge Carl Stich Jr. sent me invalid judgment now tried to back date/log the entry which he never even filed it to the docket/court record and when I was in a hearing on February 3, 2014 before Bachman he was trying to lie for Stich regarding his back dating order. On the same day I complained to Pat Dressing Court Admin, showing clearly what Judge Stich had done. Suddenly on today Judge Stich order is posting (back date to Jan. 28, 2014.) As I reported he was going to do on February 3, 2014. Case#A1304590 Chase vs Brown
This means Judges Bachman/Stich needs to be indicted for the same crime they are accusing Hunter. But watch Deters and his crew make-up a lie to get Bachman/Stich off the hook
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