Madea Goes to Jail and Granny’s does too! http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20090218/NEWS0107/902180359
If Granny had robbed a bank in Hamilton County--do you think she would have gotten off scott-free in Demigod Deters’ country?
You know what CAJD always says--If black and hispanic people gotta go to jail than damnit white people do too!
In all seriousness-- We wanted the grandmother to do a little time, but 8 years is harsh! That son of heeeeeerrrrrs should have been at court begging on the mercy of the court to be jailed instead of his dear mama.
God speed to granny and her family.
(Madea is the fictional grandmother in the hit movies by Tyler Perry)
J? Is that your seal of approval for this posting?
Probably why you don't get me is that you've been challenged a lot in your life, but probably not by anybody that looks like me. You won't soon forget me J. And quite possibly you'll emerge a better human being because I challenged you to show compassion and to understand, not to let those off who commit a crime, but just to see all possiblities.
FYI, Franki, you've got the sentencing wrong on Granny. It's 6 years on the Warren County cases & 3 years on the Butler County case. She's gone to Marysville for 9 years, not 8.
And just exactly where is your supporting documentation on your supposition that had theses crimes occurred in Hamiton County that Mr. Deters would have let her off scot-free? Where is your proof for your racist allegations?
Granny got exactly what she deserved. Her son -this cowardly, spineless piece of trash - will get his just deserves in this life, as well as judgment by his Maker; essentially the same as you & your kid will receive. Just deserves & your judgment from The Almighty.
Justice, again, has been rightly served. This old woman will probably die in prison.
You are cruel. Die in prison? I hope she doesn't die in prison. I hope she leaves prison, having paid her debt to society, and than is able to enjoy the rest of her life. And I hope that her story helps other women who may feel hopeless in that they cannot support her family realize that desperate actions leads to severe consequences.
No supporting docs that the woman would have gone free in HC. An opinion based on CAJD reserach.
I hope she doesn't die in prison.
Gosh, Franki. You've gone soft on white criminals, haven't you? What's good for one color, is good for another color. This incident isn't going to help other women. Granny's son is an adult, er, "Grown" & was freeloading off her. Granny's man cut off the money, money from their retirements, but the "Grown" son couldn't get up off his dead ass & get his own money. Actually, the thieving son belongs behind bars, too.
No supporting docs that the woman would have gone free in HC. An opinion based on CAJD reserach.
That opinion pretty much sums it up to your racial bias & the CAJD research is nothing but a bunch of crapola.
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