Say it ain’t so Joe. Is Simon Leis going to use forfeited drug money to pay for Sheriff patrols? If that rumor is true, than
Simon. Not
Sue Simon, but
Sue to
Simon from using the money for that purpose.
The money (at least
some of it)
should go towards programs to help ex-offenders
sucessfully re-enter
society, become employable, less likely to
someone while high on meth or crack. After an ex-offender has paid their debt to
society, they
should be allowed to put the pieces of their life back together. I know, forgiveness of ex-offenders is not an easy pill to
swallow. When will
some in
society wake up and realize that you cannot use prisons to solve the
social ills in our
society. Yes, those that commit crimes must be punished.
some need to understand that lengthy jail
stays are paid for with tax-payer dollars.
Before you
hypocritical haters jump on this blog and accuse CAJD of being anti Prosecutor, anti-
sheriff, let us officially
state that the latter is not true. Nor do we condone crime. Anti-
Sheriff/Prosecutor, does not mean pro crime.
CAJD works for
solutions. Can anybody say California prison
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