Our group has been asked the question before and we’ve certainly thought about it. What will life be like after Citizens Against Joe Deters has accomplished their primary goal of pressuring Joe Deters to resign from his position as Hamilton County Prosecutor. Lately it seems the goal is really going to become a reality. Especially since Joe Deters went to the Firm and dropped down to part-time Prosecutor. Yep, we’ve heard the rumors that Joe is on his way out.
When Joe leaves the Prosecutor’s office we will continue with our blog and continue with our mission to hold public servants accountable when they make mistakes and reckless comments. See a list of Joe’s alleged mistakes in the About Me section of this blog. We will continue to COLLECT-- the Joes of the world get out of jail, get out of trouble, free cards.
We recognize that all sin and make mistakes and fall short of the glory of Obama…excuse me the glory of God (no comparison). Still it appears the wealthy and well-connected, or rich and elected, get slaps on the wrist when they do something that is both immoral and illegal.
We all know what happens to the others who commit acts that are immoral and illegal.
Ahhhhhh life after Joe Deters. We are truly looking forward to that day.
I'm sure when Joe leaves the prosecutor's office it will be because of all of the pressure from this hard hitting blog...you're just like woodward and bernstein--except for of course, they could put together a coherent thought and they actually had some facts to support their allegations.
But let's not trifle with those little details-- what will you do?, once Joe's gone..you can't let this talent go to waste....I've got it--you can start a support group called "sour grapes". It's people that meet to project their problems and lack of personal responsibility on other people, with the main target being the government, and elected officials. With Sour Grapes we can ignore our own pathetic existence and revel in our own imagined self importance! Yipeee! Your future looks so bright.
Yep I know. We are the little BLOG that could. Just like that little engine, struggling to get up that hill (or was it down the hill?) We don’t have steam, we don’t have gas, we don’t have GOP money. However, we know Joe’s dirty little secret. Not only do we know the dirty little secret, we know where many of Joe’s bodies are buried (allegedly). For some reason or other people come to us like a catholic goes to see the Priest. They tell us stuff we don‘t need to hear. Most of those who come to us have an axe to grind with Joe. From what I hear Joe is not a nice guy.
Nobody at CAJD proclaims to be without a spot of blemish. It’s sad that there are some who think that a group that is anti-Prosecutor supports immoral or illegal behavior. We do not.
There was a point in my life when my thoughts were more coherent. Of course that was before Joe said 20 dirty words, “ I don’t care if they can split the atom. I don’t care if they are Harvard graduates. I don’t care.” Deters “atom comment” was the most conservative statement I’d ever heard. What kind of Prosecutor refuses to consider mitigating circumstances? Many, I suppose. What kind of Prosecutor cuts a backroom deal and then reneges? Many I suppose. What kind of Prosecutor both enforces and breaks the law? Many I suppose. What kind of Prosecutor has sex with a hooker in the backseat of a car? At least one (allegedly).
F&%@! Joe Deters and the white GOP horse that he rode to from Columbus to Cincinnati on.
Keep it real FBK. Joe Deters ain't no MF choir boy! He should be in jail like the thousands of black and hispanci and poor white men that he holds press conferences against and publicly lynches. They get convicted in the eye of the public before they even go to trial. He lynched your son. He lynched my husband and payback is a MF.
Hell yea I am sour grapes. Like you said he gives the wealthy and well-connected impunity stamps, get out of jail free cards and blac, hispanic and poor white men, men get chained under the bus. F that!
No justice, no peace.
Anonymous 6:48PM; McKinley E. Brown, is that you?
They put a loaded weapon to a woman's head, while robbing a bank, after firing shots a check cashing joint....and the fact that they claimed to be getting tuition money is "mitigation"? Lady, don't take this the wrong way, but your head is do far up your a** that you have to loosen your belt to breathe. And one more time for the dim witted........deeeeeeeeeeteeeeers issssssssss nooooooooot theeeeeeee juuuuuuudge.....say it with me.
Step back, take a breath recognize you're lucky your kid didn't get more time. Anyone that is capable of doing what your son did should not see the light of day ever again. Don't blame joe for the crimes your son committed. When you do, you're just as pathetic as he is........
Let’s agree that there were many players throughout my beloved son’s journey into Dream deferred that I was disappointed with for various reasons, including my BELOVED SON who sincerely apologize and accepts that he is paying his debt to society. I was no fan of the his attorney Tom Heekin. Surprisingly the juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge (Judge Martin) who has a tough reputation, publicly treated my beloved son, the defendant, with respect. The judge did his job without making reckless comments.
As CAJD has been researching Deters for the last two years, we do not believe that Deters is able to be an effective and impartial advocate for justice.
Troops ready?!
Troop Ready!
Friday the 13th Ready!
Sounds like your beloved son is a loser and you feel guilty for being a loser MOM. Blame yourself, not Joe Deters and the county.
I don't blame Deters but we intend to hold him accountable for his shortcomings.
-double standard justice
-voter intimidation/suppression
- the hooker in the car?
- pay to play politics
- double dipping
I think its time to hold you accountable. Where were you when your son needed you? Did you teach him that stealin is OK?
Billy Hendon? Is that you BC? or SH?
I love my son and I forgive him for the crime that he committed. He is paying his debt to society, as he should, and my family is healing.
Part my healing includes holding Joe Deters accountable for being a deal breaker.
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