If you live in Cincinnati, and I know this blog is read all over the world, (at least our friends in Cali read it), you've heard about the outlaw biker gang that was involved in the Wild Wild West shootout with the cops. One person dead.
Not a peep out of Deters. Are these bikers "animals" or "off the chart weird"? Will Deters let his children go in parts of Camp Washington? Is Camp Washigton like Jurassaic Park? Should Deters put the bikers in a cage and let them shoot each other? All of the above comments have been made by Deters when it comes to people of color, and communities of color.
Community let's arm ourselves against the likes of Joe Deters. We have to arm ourselves with knowledge because as MLK said in his famous letter from a Birmingham jail, "Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere."
Stay connected with this blog. Start thinking up ideas for our 2010 Halloween protest against Deters.
Happy Monday.
On Willie Cunningham's (a sister HO) program today Deters made these comments regarding Archie Wilson's running for office:
"...[wants to get elected to] clermont county commissioner... whatever that's worth"
"...you know how it is out there [in clermont county]"
This is an inexcusable thing for anyone to say, much less the county prosecutor
of another jurisdiction. It is hypocritical and contradictory to Deters'own argument. To make this statement, an insulting and malicious statement, surely saddens and maddens each of Clermont county's proud citizens. His argument was
supposed to be with one man only, not the population of the entire county.
To stereotype an entire populous as a whole with such negative connotation is reckless and inconsiderate.
I will never have the same respect for Joe Deters as I once may have.
Many people would consider me too white, too well to do, too whatever. Don't stereotype some of us with people like Deters. These kind of people are the same ones we are fighting to regain control of our country.
Deters must go!
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