Sunday, September 5, 2010

Community I can’t sleep until you wake up - Joe Deters must Go!

It’s about 1:30 am in the morning and I can’t sleep. My heart is heavy. CAJD’s receives emails each day from people that have experienced the injustices in Hamilton County at the hands of Joe Deters. At this blog we make no secret that it was a personal situation that first brought us to fight hard to get Deters removed from office, for dishing out his brand of double standard style justice. But moving beyond our personal situation—we hear the community’s stories. We hear your cries. We want to help you. We will succeed in our goals—our mission, if we stick together. Check this blog often over the next couple of weeks. We will be providing the community with information as to what we can do to get Deters removed from office. We will never give up until we accomplish our goals.

RIP JoAnn Burton and Jeremy Hibbett. Neither of you deserved to die. We don’t know the full circumstances but we know that you did not deserve to die.

No Justice. No peace.
Rise up community.

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