Greetings Blog Readers:
I wanted to thank the community, again, for supporting my right to share my son’s story in an attempt to help other young people make better choices and to fix the broken criminal just-us system.
I respect and understand those that don’t agree with my position, however if one takes the time to read through this blog, or to read the book, they will discover that it’s not about condoning crime, it’s about wanting the same treatment in the just-us system.
On Saturday August 21, 2009 (TOMORROW) I will be on the Ken Anderson show. I will be on the show at 10:30. The call-in number is 513.749.1230. Please tune in and spread the word.
On Sunday August 22, 2009 I will be on Lincoln Ware’s TV show promoting the book. The show will air on channel 64 Sunday at 6:30a.m. on Channel 64 WSTR. DON'T BE LAZY GET YOUR ASSES UP AND CHECK OUT THE SHOW, OR DVR IT.
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