I heard a radio promo on WLW radio today that said Deters, part-time prosecutor, was going down the down to WLW radio to discuss Noelle Denise Washington's murder along with her son Anthony James Jones III, and and another three year old victim.
Yet Deters WON'T come on Black radio. I mean really, does anyone believe that Cincinnati's Best loved Republican clown and Deters "I like to f*&@! prostitutes in cars in Cleveland." (allegedly), gives a rat's ass about this triple homicide?
I believe the only reason he is going down the dial is to ham it up with Bill.
Deters why are you afraid of the black community? We know that you hate many of us. Still you are the Cheif Legal Rep in Hamilton County and you need to communicate with the black community.
Rest in Peace Noelle and Doodles and three year little girl.
FYI I attended this funeral.
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