As we play to forward into the New Year I can’t help but consider the worst local un-elected official of the Year. Hands down that “official” has got to be Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.
Let’s consider Dirty Deeds laundry list--
First he ran unopposed. Some elected officials that run unopposed make terrible public servants. Joe Deters is a terrible public servant. He has his role confused. Instead of acknowledging his role as public servant, he‘s taken the role of a Demigod. He makes reckless comments like referring to certain groups of people as unsalvageable, stating that certain neighborhoods are like Jurassic Park, and stating that he wishes he could put some in a cage and let them shoot themselves.
Double-Standard Justice Deters - He chooses who he wants to Prosecute. Joe- the Prosecutor did not want to charge Jodi -the Mother. It seems he prefers not to charge WWW (White, Wealthy, and Well-connected). He writes editorials in the paper in support of these type of people. Yet he convicts others through public lynchings.
Voter Suppression/Intimidation - He engaged in it. Then he took himself off the job and assigned another Prosecutor. Yet the damage was done. Joe knew this. He attached his face as being on the case. It was enough to send a message of intimidation to some voters. Thankfully it didn’t work. In fact it backfired. Joe helped turn a red county blue. Joe helped John McCain lose.
He tried to SLAPP me - Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ("SLAPP") is a lawsuit or a threat of lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate.
He discusses court cases at Parties--What the front door is up with that? Joe just can’t keep his mouth closed.
Joe Must Go!
Hmmm... what do you think the tactic will be when Kennedy goes to trial? My guess is, Deters knows Kennedy personally, will he recuse himself? Change the venue? Will he just "throw" the case and act incompetent in order to get his friend off? I am really curious to watch how a prosecutor throws a case when he doesn't want the guy to convicted. Maybe it'll be a plea bargain???
I heard Deters keeps a box of Get Out Of Jail Free cards and whenever he doesn’t want someone he knows to go to jail, he slips the Judge and the Prosecutor on the case one of the cards so the person can escape jail time. I’m going to follow the Kennedy case closely because I’m really interested in knowing the outcome.
(Note this comments refer to blog Andrew Kennedy is guilty. I'm not sure how to move the comment, will figure that out later)
Hey genius Andy Kennedy is being prosecuted by the City of Cincinnati, not Joe Deters. Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Hey Anonymous...
Read the blog again. I never stated that Joe Deters was prosecuting Kennedy. Just that it seems that Hamilton County Joe-the-Prosecutor prefers not to prosecute WWW people.
More evidence of Deters' racism:
Both of the above mentioned cases, are cases in which white people are charged. So let me be clear about something. Clearly Joe Deters/staff charges white people when they commit crimes. However, if they are white, wealthy, and well-connected Deters will consider giving them a get out of jail free card. That’s what I believe based on my researching many, many, HC court cases In the case of the white parents charged with starving their baby to death--they’re white but certainly don’t appear to be wealthy, and well-connected. Same with the landlord. His property looks like crap and he doesn’t look wealthy. If it’s true that he did indeed stab the woman to death instead of going about proper procedure (filing evictions), then he will have his date in God’s court. Same with the parents if they did indeed purposely starve their child--they’ll have their day in God’s court.
Furthermore I believe that if say Ken Blackwell got into trouble in Joe Deters town he’d get off scott-free, provided he’s not Deters political enemy. Because he’s wealthy and well-connected.
Joe deters a con artist in a suit.... he strips innocent people of their livelyhood and freedom. he is responsible for for locking up more innocent people than guilty... people of cincinnati are wondering why is it that crime is at a new high... joe deters, he lets all of the REAL criminals run free while innocent victims are incarcerated at the expense of injustice!!!
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