Going Once….going twice….Sold
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters has got to be on edge. Or at least he should be. His political aspirations/ career is over thanks to Gov. Rod Blagojevich trying to sell President Elect Barack Obama’s (from here on out known as PE BO, since it’s easier to type) vacant Senate seat. He didn’t just try to sell the seat he tried to bleepin' sell it. And he bleepin’ got caught. And Joe-the-Prosecutor is not happy.
You see Joe’s got aspirations. Just a few years back he moved on up Weezy-Jefferson style to Columbus as Treasure of the State where he engaged in a little Pay-to-Play Politics. He had to resign in disgrace while two of his pals involved in the scheme went to jail.
Joe-the-Prosecutor was able to mosey back to town with his tail between his legs. Here is where I’ll use some Alex Tryingtofoolya logic from his Hamilton County GOP blog. A blog entry on Wed December 10, 2008 titled--The first lie? questions if PE BO is telling the truth when he states that he did not speak with Blagojevich in regards to who he should appoint to his empty Senate seat. Now I will use a reasoning process similar to Tryingtofoolyas as it pertains to Deters. Question: Once you have moved on up from your Prosecutor’s job to become Treasure of the State, would you want to return to your old job? Of course not. That’s like back tracking. But hey a job as the top Prosecutor ain’t no bad gig. Especially if you can sit back on your behind, read the Art of War, intimidate your employees, and voters, and ordinary citizens who speak out against you. And the best part of the job has got to be holding press conferences where you can call young men of color bad names. But the really best part of his job has got to be walking around with a hard-on knowing that you took the job away from a guy who did the same thing as you (had sex with someone who wasn’t your wife-(ALLEGEDELY) only to lose his job and have you take it. Wow! Joe-the-Prosecutor has got some luck.
Luck. That is until he tries to go for a bigger job in politics. Next time his hard-on won’t be covered by the GOP blanket. Voters are going to remember Joe-the-Prosecutor. And they are going to say isn’t that the guy who….and the list is going to be long. Real long.
Joe-the-Prosecutor my pastor always says, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” Joe Deters be sure your sins will find you out. Old Satan got a spot for you in the hottest part of hell next to that hooker in that car in Cleveland.
You are putting some valid and important information out there. Keep doing what you do. Its nothing but a criminal and con that can continue to run uncontested, Do the unsexy in a car with a hooker (Can you imagine how ugly that looked) and condemn and convict people who are "charged" not convicted in the media, as a means to control the slow-learners minds. He has power over some folks in cincinnati because he thinks for them, riles them up into an uproar and then laughs and talks about them behind their backs. Folks wake up. CAJD thanks for helping people see beyound the black smoke and allowing them the medium to think!
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