Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

NAACP president calls for Federal Marshals to arrest the board members

(1/30/11): Hamilton County Board of Elections Holds 8:00 AM Emergency Meeting on Hunter / Williams

There is an emergency Hamilton County Board of Elections meeting regarding the Hunter / Williams case tomorrow (Monday) at 8:00 AM at 824 Broadway. If you can attend the meeting please show up and wear your Cincinnati NAACP colors. FOR MORE INFO SEE NAACP PRESS RELEASE BELOW

NAACP president asks all to remain calm and peaceful at tomm's mtg.

Cincinnati NAACP

Media Release
CINCINNATI, OHIO - JANUARY 30, 2011 -The Board of Elections board
members should be held in contempt of court tomorrow if they do not
direct staff to begin the count. A federal judge has directed this
board to count votes. Their refusal is a disregard of the Federal
Court's authority. "The next step should be for Judge Dlott to have
Federal Marshals arrest the board members and take them to jail. Or
the Board of Elections meeting could begin to look like the crisis in
Egypt. This 4 member board is operating like a dictatorship,"
president Christopher Smitherman of the Cincinnati NAACP said.

The emergency board meeting is tomorrow (Monday) at 8:00 AM. The
location is 824 Broadway. "If you can attend the meeting please show
up and wear your Cincinnati NAACP colors. There is nothing more
important than counting votes. We are very close to a victory. The
Cincinnati NAACP will accept the outcome of the election after the
votes are counted," Smitherman said.

The Cincinnati NAACP wants peaceful expressions of disappointment
tomorrow. Do not fall in the trap of any illustrations of violence in
response to the boards suppression of African American voters. "We
will win if we stick together," Smitherman said.

Poor and misinformed Jane Prendergast


Most of you that read this blog are very aware that many believe, CAJDs believes, that the  Enquirer is an outright racist paper.  Now comes Jane Predergast, a very biased "journalist" writing the crap below.

How is a cop show that depicts people of color, mostly people that are low income, in a very bad light positive for the city when it exploits innocent children (as it shows their innocent brown faces)? Why don't they go to Jakaro drive and get the real criminal?


email Jane and comment on her ridiculous article below.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Race' Lincoln Ware, Michele Bachmann's after party

We all know that sex sells. But does race also sell?   Apparently it does.  Is it CAJD, or has anybody else noticed the hot "racey" topics on Lincoln Ware's show?

As much as Lincoln claims he does not play the race card, and while it may be somewhat true, that more often than not, that he leaves the 'race' deck at home, he will pimp the race card every now and than.

How can he not?  We live in a fking racist city.  A good amount of ppl in America and Hamilton County are racist, including  the black ppl's persecutor--Joe "death penalty" Deters.

In the age of Obama and ObamacareS, race is all the rage.

America unscrambled.   I am race.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Martin Luther King, jr. day!

Martin Luther King inspired hundreds of thousands of people in the United States into actions against racism, to end poverty, and for peace. Early December 1955, he led the first great non-violent protests of African Americans in a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. The boycott lasted 382 days and ended after the US Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public buses was unconstitutional. In spring 1963, King and the student movement organised mass demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama. The police officials responded violently and King was arrested for organizing sit-in demonstrations. In his 'Letter from the Birmingham jail', he puts the struggle against injustice in Birmingham in the broader context of the United States. He writes: "Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Judge Dlott--Start counting the votes or go directly to jail?

It's shameful. Citizens of all hues, who fought in the civil rights struggle, can have no peace going into the MLK, jr. holiday.

On Tueday, Alex Triantifilou, along with his threesome, along with the persecutor,  will be in Judge Dlott's courtroom to explain why they should not be held in contempt of court and go to jail. Read all about it here.

Please show up for the hearing in Judge Dlott's courtroom. Supporters should arrive early, 8 am if possible.

100 East 5th St

Rm 227

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dear Deters: Can you help Ted Williams

Dear Deters.

We know that you are going to make a fk'd  up decision regarding the Hunter/Williams race.  Hunter's the winner, but you're a liar and and a cheat, that never went to jail for being with the hooker in that car in Cleveland.   Everything that's fked up in Hamilton County has your name plastered on it.  Anyway, I think you'll enjoy this

If I didn't write--I don't know where I'd be.
BTW - I hope you are NOT having a Happy New Year.

Smitherman, Triantafilou, on Ware's radio show Thursday (today)

"It is oft said that the rode to hell is paved with good intentions."  Chief Judge Susan J. Dlott

In case you've missed it the Hunter/Williams saga continues. The outcome of this hotly contested race will set a precedent on how voting is handled in Hamilton County. Will the voters be disenfranchised? We think not, but we will see. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters has been asked to intervene. Lord have mercy on this County. CAJD’s says--, “We told you so.”

Catch up here and here.

Will we overcome?



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Radio host asks: Where are the prominent Democrats on Hunter/Williams race? (UPDATE)

***Please call attorney Able Gomez @1.202.307.2767 and request that his office immediately investigate Hunter/Williams race.***

Yesterday, popular radio host, Lincoln Ware, of The BuzzCincy 1230 am WDBZ, and Cincinnati Council member Cecil Thomas, called for the arrest of Alex Triantafilou, the silly ass head of the local Republican party and Board of Elections member because he failed to comply with a court order.

Today Ware called out prominent city Democrats for being silent on the race for juvenile court judge. The winner of this race will touch the lives of over 20,000 children. 70% of those children will be African Americans.

Read more here.

Touch the lives of 70,000 African American children’

Please show your support for Hunter today (Wednesday, 12 January)
At the Hamilton County Board of Elections, 824 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
The meeting takes place at 3pm today.

***William Mallory, Sr. called Ware's radio show to publicy state that he's been supportive of Hunter behind the scenes***

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A look back.....

A look back....

and always always pressing forward. 

Please take action on the injustice going on in the Tracie Hunter/John Willams race. The good ole' boys are at it again.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bringing the community information in the New Year......

Read this closely community. And than study the below link.

"There are rare exceptions to the rule of placing the entire plea agreement on the record. Sometimes, the defense, prosecutor and judge will work out a resolution of a high profile case, but will not want to place the terms of the deal on the record. (For example, the prosecutor may not want the adverse publicity of looking "soft on crime," and the judge may not want to admit to engaging in "sentence bargaining" in a serious case.) However, don't assume that your case falls into this small category of exceptions - ask your attorney before you plead guilty to make sure that the entire agreement is part of the record (either directly or by reference to the contract), and make the attorney explain any decision to depart from this practice."