***The protest will take place on Friday October 29 at 12 noon. At Deters' office. Please see below for exact address***
Want you join us? A letter from CAJDs' founder, FBK
Dear Community:
In 2008, I founded Citizens Against Joe Deters to protest the unequal application of justice by Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. After doing nearly two years of research CAJDs' concludes that the Prosecutor’s Office routinely seeks more serious charges and sentences against poor and minority residents compared to suspects in similar situations who are white, wealthy and well-connected.
Our webblog frequently receives emails from individuals who believe they or a family member have received a double-standard of justice from the prosecutor. Many believe they have been wrongfully convicted or sentenced unfairly. Some believe that their loved one’s trespasser has never been brought to justice.
I can relate to these stories because it was my son's story that caused my family to first become familiar with Deters’ unfairness. In 2007 my 19-year old (3rd year college student) son robbed a bank and received more time in prison than he’d been alive--20 years. It was my son’s first offense and Deters threw the book at him. He also secretly made a back door deal with my family and left out the front door.
Let me be clear CAJDs’ DOES NOT condone crime. If one does the crime, they must be prepared to do the time. My son and I absolutely accept that he must serve time in prison. However, I compare his sentence to that of other people that have committed a similar crime, and bemoan the fact that my son got about 17 years more years than others who have lengthy criminal records.
It also frustrates me that Deters has never been prosecuted for his crime of money laundering and prostitution.
On Friday October 29, 2010 at 12 noon CAJDs’ will hold a peaceful Halloween protest in front of Joe Deters' office located at 230 E. Ninth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. At our protest many of us will dress in costumes and hand out candy. We will not give candy to Wealthy, Well-connected, White people. Only poor whites people and poor minorities will receive candy.
Unfair? So is double-standard sentences dished out by Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. Clearly, there are two criminal justice systems in Hamilton County.
We invite you two come out and join us in protest. If you believe you or your loved one has been unfairly prosecuted, or that your loved one’s trespasser has never been brought to justice, please join us at the protest.
Bring poster boards signs that share their story.
At our 2008 Halloween protest, we received media coverage that helped us spread our message and desire for fairness. The more people that we can get to support the protest, the better chance we have of getting fair sentences and justice for our loved ones.
Please join us at the protest. And remember MLK said it best, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Franki Butler-Kidd
There are people that attempt to post lies on this blog-- and we will NEVER allow that to happen. It's interesting that they have never read the facts of his case, yet they spew lies and hate.
You mean hew wan;t convicted of kidnapping????
Deters graciously threw out 7 of the 13 charges (wink, wink) . Yet most WWW are never charged with kidnapping as it didn't actually happen that way. See you at the protest.
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