Does Attorney Eric Deters want Welfare?
I was radio flipping and tuned into WLW, Bill Cunningham’s hate radio show. Today’s host was fill-in, Eric Deters. Now for the record CAJD has nothing against Eric Deters and we only know a few things about him. He talks a lot of shit. He sounds a lot like Bill on the radio. He has an upcoming boxing match, that bloggers are betting money that he’s going to get beat up. He wants to open up a Hooter’s style restaurant and hire white college girls with big boobies. My friend’s Dad (a black guy) actually got fired from his job because he attempted to recruit a white college girl to work in Deters’ bar. Swear to God that’s true (memo to myself--tell my friend to get have Eric represent him in court.). He's an author.
He wants the stimulus money to create jobs. Isn't that like wanting somethig from the Government? Like welfare.
This begs the question: Why does Eric Deters and others want the government (or as my friend jokingly says, the Gubbment) to do something for them? Why doesn’t Eric Deters and the other whiners create their own jobs (so what Deters is an attorney, he whines like he wants welfare) Why don't the whiners stop whining? Stop waiting for the Gubbment to do something for them. Lazy Bastards.
Eric Deters is cursed because of his last name--Deters. (this blog is unedited and all in the name of fun, SOMETIMES.)
(this blog is unedited and all in the name of fun, SOMETIMES)

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