Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hutzel-Deters-White The Prosecutors

Not all Prosecutors are three letter words. Joe. Don. Not all Prosecutors fall for the okie doke AKA bullshit--I forgot my baby in my car/mini van for 8 hours while I went to work. Jodi Edwards and Brenda Nessleroad-Slaby. CAJD is willing to give these women the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they really forgot their precious bundle of joys in their vehicles. Maybe they did. Still their behavior was reckless. Still the women should have been charged. For the record CAJD has no beef with Clermont county Prosecutor Don White. White appears to be a equal opportunity Prosecutor. If there is such a thing. He prosecutes ALL. The white, wealthy, and well-connected. The White, broke and meth addicted. The Black, broke, crack addicted. Rachel Hutzel has got moxy baby! She’s got a pair for sure. She’s also an equal opportunity Prosecutor. She will prosecute and give a white suburban kid a felony in a New York minute. But she’ll also give a white suburban kid or black kid a break if she feels it’s warranted. Hutzel doesn’t appear to prosecute according to skin color. She doesn’t walk around making reckless and unprofessional comments. She’s been married about 30 years and according to CAJD’s sources she doesn’t hump around on her husband Jeff Blazey.
The Widmer case http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20090331/NEWS0107/303310053/0/NEWS01 CAJD hasn’t been following this case very closely. Except to take notice that if you got the dough, you can get a pretty damn good defense team, experts and the works.
Signing off. BTW there is a date. July is the book release date. More details about CAJD’s book later. Joe’s not gonna be happy about the book. He’s not going to be happy.