This blog is all about Just-Us. One way we get justice is to let our voice be heard through non traditional media. \Contact Radio One here and tell them to bring back talk radio!
Traditional media tells us that Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters from employer is a famed attorney Stan Chesley.
Here's how WLWT-TV referred to him....
See my comment below from one of my social media pages.....
Up early writing & sipping black coffee (no sugar, no cream...I like it straight up) catching tidbits of the news where #WLWT is referring to Disgraced, Disbarred, turned government witness (some of you'll call that snitch), and "wanted by the law" (there's a warrant out for his arrest) as "FAMED" attorney.
I called little Rachel at channel 5 at 412-5055 and asked her straight up, "what's up with the biased media coverage?" Said I wished Stan Chesley and wife Judge Susan J. Dlott hadn't had the unfortunate thing happen, but by no means is he FAMED - doesn't she mean SHAMED? More biased media coverage. In other news save our radio