Sunday, December 6, 2015

Why did WDBZ 1230am the Buzz change formats

This blog is all about Just-Us.  One way we get justice is to let our voice be heard through non traditional media.  \Contact Radio One here and tell them to bring back talk radio!

Traditional media tells us that Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters from employer is a famed attorney Stan Chesley. 

Here's how WLWT-TV referred to him....

See my comment below from one of my social media pages.....

Up early writing & sipping black coffee (no sugar, no cream...I like it straight up) catching tidbits of the news where #WLWT is referring to Disgraced, Disbarred, turned government witness (some of you'll call that snitch), and "wanted by the law" (there's a warrant out for his arrest) as "FAMED" attorney.

 I called little Rachel at channel 5 at 412-5055 and asked her straight up, "what's up with the biased media coverage?" Said I wished Stan Chesley and wife Judge Susan J. Dlott hadn't had the unfortunate thing happen, but by no means is he FAMED - doesn't she mean SHAMED? More biased media coverage. In other news save our radio

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Prostitutes over patriots?

What say you about this ad?  Fair or foul?

The man who this blog was created about is Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.   I created this blog as an online personal journal, and as a way to heal.  Almost 8 years and over 500 post later, I’m still healing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vote No! Cincinnati City Issue 22 (parks levy)

Welcome to the CAJD blog.   This is the justice blog.  We won’t get any justice if we don't
Vote No!  Cincinnati City Issue 22 (parks levy)

I was in a grocery store the other day when I ran into a former church member who I’ll call Dee.  She was at the bling machine AKA known as the loud ass Coinstar machine.  A Coinstar machine is one that lets you turn your loose change into cash for a whopping 9.8 % fee.  You don’t have to use the machine but it beats the hassle of getting wrappers and taking the money to the bank or the embarrassment of standing in line paying for grocery items with $50. 00 worth of loose change.

Ask me how CAJD knows?

As I approached Dee I found myself screaming to talk over the pinging machine.  I threw out a joke, “Hey you are at my favorite place in the store.”

We both laughed.  I didn’t want to make her feel embarrassed for “coining in” and I certainly had no room to talk as years back I also turned my coins into cash to buy groceries.

Some who save coins these days don’t do it to put towards a savings and instead coins are sometimes saved just in case…just in case I need some groceries or just in case I need to put some gas in my car to get to work.

It’s still hard for a lot of people.

This brings me to why CAJD is advising people to vote NO on Cincinnati City issue 22 (parks levy)

Taxed enough already.  There are some people who cannot afford to pay another increased property tax.  Not even $35.00.   No on issue 22.

Breathing fresh air is one of the last free things we have in America (unless of course you are Eric Garner). Across this country there are talks to sell parks to the gas and oil industries.  One can’t help but wonder if allowing private corporations to buy parks will make them less inclined to fight to reduce dangerous air pollution.  No on issue 22.

Parks are for our enjoyment and education.  People have family reunions and family barbecues at parks.  Everyone does not have a large backyard that will accommodate their entire family.  Parks are a free place where the village can gather for quality time.  Our tax dollars should not be used to pay for parks if there are no guarantees that there will not be park entry fees.  No on issue 22.
We don’t need advertisements in parks.  It’s bad enough that we are bombarded with advertising 24-7.  Nobody wants to go to the Walmart Park.  Or the Mayor John Cranley (re-election campaign) Pavilion.  Or the Christopher Smitherman picnic area.   No on issue 22.

We don’t need corporations messing around with our parks.   What’s next a “sponsor” for the Department of Justice?  Then it would really be the Department of Just-Us.  No on issue 22.

We don’t need politicians or private companies bringing super PACs to our parks.   No on issue 22.

It would kill philanthropy. Gone will be the days in which people donate with no strings attached.   No on issue 22.

It will would lead to conflict of interests.  The parks cannot serve two masters.  If you sponsor the park will only certain people be allowed in it? No Blacks or no gays allowed.  No on issue 22.

The money isn’t just going to parks. It’s also going to buildings.  I hear Mayor John Cranley is bringing a movie theater to the Westside with some of the park money.   No on issue 22.

Mayor Cranley would control the money.  No one man should have that much power.  No on issue 22.

How will you vote on this issue?  Do tell in the comments section below.

FBK is a writer and the unapologetic founder of Citizens against Joe Deters.  She often finds it necessary to keep it real regarding race and politics. She bleeds purple and the ONLY vote she’s casting is for Criminal Justice Reform

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

DETERS: Justice for Judge Tracie Hunter - Facts you should know

Hello faithful blog readers.  

7 years later and this blog continues to rank as a top search term for Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.  The readership numbers continue to be through the roof.  

I've struggled about what to do with this blog, as my desire to blog more responsibly has led me to creating and writing on other sites.

I promise my faithful readers that the book I promised you months ago is still coming.

However, the "Deters" book was bumped for this one here.

Hey, I gotta heal right?????

I love the community with my entire heart and soul, and it is for that reason that I will continue to blog about Just-Us issues.  

My heart bleeds because of the injustice being done to Dear Sista Pastor Judge Tracie Hunter.  Please take the time to read the fact sheet below.  If you'd like a copy of it emailed to you simply drop me an email.  

Each night we are having Tweet-Ups at 9pm.   Please jump on twitter at that time using the #justiceforjudgehunter

Follow me  @drewmar77

Speaker: The Honorable Judge Tracie Hunter
Sunday Sept 6, 2015      time:  3 - 4:30 pm
Location:  Tried Stone New Beginnings Church
5550 Reading Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio  45237

I'm so proud of the sistas in the struggle who are working incredibly hard to provide a different perspective to the Judge Hunter sage.   Read here  and here.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

University cop indicted for murder in shooting of motorist Samuel DuBose

                                r.i.h.  #samdubose

University of Cincinnati cop, Ray Tensing, indicted for murder in the death of an unarmed Samuel Dubose during what started out as routine traffic stop on July 19th.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters held a press conference where he talked in detail about the incident and released the body cam.

Referring to indicted and terminated police officer Tensing Deters said, “I’m treating him like a murderer….I could use harsher words.”  It was senseless and asinine.  He should never have been a police officer.”

Deters further stated, “People want to believe that Samuel Dubose did something violent against the officer.  He did not.”

Interesting, Deters didn't call the officer "soulless" or "unsalvageable."

Now it’s time for me to switch my citizen journalist hat with my blogger “speak truth to power” hat. 
Before I do, please join me dear blog readers as I take a moment to honor #samdubose.

CAJD extends our deepest condolences to the family who are people of great faith.  Ms.  Dubose said that she could forgive the officer, if he asked for forgiveness.

What in the hell was former Officer Tensing  thinking  (UC President Santa Ono says he has been fired).
Tensing saw this black man in this older model car, wearing a festive  red outfit with matching hat, with a bottle of air freshener in a liquor bottle on the floor.
(for those of you that don't know, they sell liquid air freshener called "smell goods" in liquor bottles, in certain hoods')

A bright light bulb, brighter than the outfit, possibly went off in Tensing’s head.

Tensing’s brain.  I hate my job as a University of Cincinnati cop.  I can pop a bullet in this clown’s red hat wearing head. 
Nobody will care.  His #black life does not matter.  
I’ll get famous like George Zimmerman or famous and rich like Darren Wilson.
I’ll Get a big fat Gofundme check. 
Be hailed as a hero by the law enforcement and the criminal justice community. Deters will call Dubose an animal.


A SAD STATISTIC. Black drivers are more likely to be pulled over for minor offenses like switching lanes without using a turn signal (Sandra Bland), broken tail light, or no front license plate.

 I was going to post a link to where I found that statistic, but do we really need one?

To know what we know, what we know, what some of us live each and every day.

Out of touch politicians and leaders
It’s a great big slap in the face for politicians like Mayor John Cranley and the “leaders”
 to call for peace.  

Are they fools?

Why would there not be peace as Ray Tensing has been indicted which is the first step in the healing process.

As a community we recognize that there is a long way to go from indictment to conviction to prison.

Still, black people won’t rise up, unless Tensing is not convicted.

Silly politicians and “leaders” why would people "riot"over an indictment?

The indictment brings a temporary moment of relief.

Bad move hiring attorney Mark O’Mara
Attorney Mark O’Mara’s claim to fame is that he got Trayvon Martin’s killer off (George Zimmerman).  Now he has rolled in town visiting black churches and holding black people’s hands with the same hands that held Trayvon Martin’s killers hands.

And that’s a damn shame.

There are unsubstantiated rumors that O’Mara’s law firm was able to get some immediate cash to the Dubose family, and that Bishop Bobby Hilton ( Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the National Action Network, president) brokered the deal taking a fee.

This connection is definitely strange bedfellows as Rev. Al Sharpton  (National Action Network) asked on his national radio show on Thursday, why hasn't any activist spoken about the O'Mara connection to #SamDubose. 

My concern lies in the fact that any attorney could have gotten the family money.  But can any attorney see that the indicted Tensing goes from indictment to conviction?

Why is O’Mara only handling the civil ($$$) and not the criminal case for the family?

Santa Ono give Sam Dubose kid’s scholarships
President Ono said something will be worked out.  Don’t work it out.  Make it happen.

FBK is an unapologetic black writer who hates to edit. Her 19-year-old beloved son is serving a 20-year sentence for bank robbery that he committed in order to pay for college tuition.

She believes those that break the law, including her beloved son, should be brought to justice. However, she stands against over prosecution (like what happened to her son) for people of color, people with modest incomes, or people who live in certain zip codes.

FBK in an unapologetic black writer.  She finds it necessary to keep it real regarding race and politics. She bleeds purple and the ONLY vote she’s casting in in 2016 is for Criminal Justice Reform.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Samuel Dubose and Prosecutor Joe Deters


                  *This blog is not associated with Black Lives Matter Cincinnati*

UPDATE:  University of Cincinnati cop, Ray Tensing, indicted for murder in the death of an unarmed Samuel Dubose during what started out as routine traffic stop on July 19th.  We will give complete update and commentary later today.

                              **Below blog post date July 26th, Sun***

The mission of this blog is to shine the light on injustice in Cincinnati and across the nation. 

We are no longer frequently posting at this blog and instead you can find us at, here

Like many we are deeply concerned about the lack of transparency in the Samuel Dubose and Sandra Bland cases.  

We stand with the Dubose and the circles of the Cincinnati community which have called for the release of the video in order to bring forth transparency and healing to the family and the citizens of Cincinnati. 

UPDATE:  We have learned that the Dubose family has hired Attorney Mark . O'Mara. (The attorney whose claim to fame is that he got the killer of Trayvon Martin off.  Yeah, that guy, Geroge Zimmerman.)

PLEASE READ OUR IN DEPTH POST ON THE "Samuel Dubose and "Sandra Bland" case here. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Let's talk about Justice Reform and Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters

Hello Faithful Readers - who still jump on this blog daily and read the over 500 posts

These days CAJD is mostly blogging over at DREWMAR.ORG  regarding criminal just-us issues in Cincinnati and around the world.

Last week  Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters angered Cincinnatians  when he publicly convicted the alleged perpetrators of the 4th of July attack on Fountain Square.

 (Remember the case of the black teens accused of beating a white male who yelled racial epithets at them, because he believed they'd stolen his cell phone).

In doing so Prosecutor Deters convicted the accused in the court of public opinion by referring to them as soulless and unsalvageable. Such harsh talk is a move from the old Republican playbook.  New Republicans want to talk about things I blog about at the drewmar site.

Tune in to here FBK and T.Nicole discuss this and other hot topics on the radio today  (Sat, July 18 at 11 am).

FBK in an unapologetic black blogger, and #justicerform activist  who hates editing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

MLB All Star Game CINCINNATI (Judge Tracie Hunter march)

Dear Readers: of the Citizens Against Joe Deters' blog:

We are still around and still trying to figure things out.   For now (or forever), this blog is going to stay up, but these days we are blogging more responsibly.  Sort of.   Citizen journalism is important to the community.  It's important to tell our stories, in our voice.

We still have the CAJD blog book - but it's was bumped in order to work on another project.  However, it's still in the queue.

For the most part we will blog at  Our latest post is on the hypocritical city of Cincinnati.   They want to sweep racism, sexism and all the other "isms" under the carpet until the 2015 MLB Cincinnati baseball guest leave.

Uh - un.  None of that.  Read all about our City and the 2015 MLB ALL STAR baseball game here.

JOIN Marching for Justice below. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mosby, Trotter, Deters

We told our dear readers before that we have Moved-on-over to this site.

Here's a post we wrote on #Baltimore and the following people.

Janaya Trotter

Marily J. Mosby


Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Wondering what CAJD has been up too?

CAJD is still committed to making sure justice is not just-us.   However, we are changing our approach, just a little.   Check out our latest blog here
We are still working to publish our book, although there have been some delays (this book was bumped to complete another project).


We continue to support Judge Tracie Hunter.  We will not rest until Hamilton County takes her off the cross.  No justice.  No peace. 


Thanks for your continued support.  Thank you for keeping your hands on deck as we collectively fight injustice.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015