Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cincinnati NAACP fails to get member removed

The incompetent and incoherent NAACP Executive Committee member Lisa McQueen FAILS miserably in her attempt to get FBK removed from the Executive Committee.

Lisa and other incompetent committee members sit back and let Christopher Smitherman, Jim Clingman pal around with the tea party members who (drum roll please) bankroll virtually every assault on our socio and economic justice here in Cincinnati.

Deters, who pals around with hookers in Cleveland gave the Cincinnati NAACP 25,000 and it has ripped the fabric of the oldest civil rights organization in the country.

Read about it here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

***Summer Recess*** Will return in September***Joe Deters' Cleveland Gal

Greetings faithful Blog Readers.

This blog saw record #'s in June and July.  Thanks Readers!

We are on summer recess, like the Cincinnati NAACP and Christopher Smitherman, read Here.

We will return in September.

Enjoy your summer and don't do anything that we wouldn't do, which means you are free to do any freakin' thing ya like.



FYI  We will continue to monitor Joe's behavior in Cleveland with the paid gals, the racist newspaper in Cincinnati and  reporter Kimball Perry and of course just-us issues.