Death Penalty Deters – Antrone Smith
“Two wrongs don’t make it right,” is what beloved grandmother always said.
Our heart bleeds for DeMarcus Jackson – just like it bled for baby Jenna Edwards. Search this blog for baby Jenna Edwards stories. Heaven's got two angels DeMarcus and Jenna.
But Deters would never seek the death penalty on a white woman. Deters gets his media nut for showcasing Bad black men. His latest subject – Antrone Smith. It’s horrible what he’s accused of doing. And it’s horrible that Deters will once again use a black man’s case to make society hate the black man.
Shame on you Deters. Shame on you. There was no shame when you were with that prostitute.
Each year until Deters is removed from office by any means necessary we will continue to protest him on Halloween. This year, meet at Deters office
230 E. Ninth Street, Suite 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45202 for 12 noon PROTEST.
Protesting won't solve the problem (Deters), but it will expose it.
Also, contact Death Penalty Deters and make him aware of your thoughts on the above listed case.
Phone: (513) 946-3000
Fax: (513) 946-3100
“Two wrongs don’t make it right,” is what beloved grandmother always said.
Our heart bleeds for DeMarcus Jackson – just like it bled for baby Jenna Edwards. Search this blog for baby Jenna Edwards stories. Heaven's got two angels DeMarcus and Jenna.
But Deters would never seek the death penalty on a white woman. Deters gets his media nut for showcasing Bad black men. His latest subject – Antrone Smith. It’s horrible what he’s accused of doing. And it’s horrible that Deters will once again use a black man’s case to make society hate the black man.
Shame on you Deters. Shame on you. There was no shame when you were with that prostitute.
Each year until Deters is removed from office by any means necessary we will continue to protest him on Halloween. This year, meet at Deters office
230 E. Ninth Street, Suite 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45202 for 12 noon PROTEST.
Protesting won't solve the problem (Deters), but it will expose it.
Also, contact Death Penalty Deters and make him aware of your thoughts on the above listed case.
Phone: (513) 946-3000
Fax: (513) 946-3100