OK, bad April Fool's joke.
Now that Williams, John, is back from the ballpark
And Tryingtofoolya, Alex, is through with NCAA basketball, and back from the ball game.
Now that Deters, Joe is back from Cleveland.
CAJD is pleading with them to stop wasting tax payers dollars, to be gracious and fair, step out of the way, and let Tracie Hunter take her judges’ seat.
Our children need Hunter. (singing) "I believe the children are our future..."
I’m sure Williams, despite his friendship with Deters, is a nice man. He should have no problem finding work. Here’s a thought... he could go and be the prosecutor because Lawd knows Deters rarely shows up for work. Scrath that. No more Deters' types in the persecutor's office.
Folks, activists, advocates, may you be encouraged to contact the folks preventing Tracie Hunter from becoming a judge-- contact them and tell them, enough foolishness, count the votes.
Good Friday , Dear Readers
Now that Williams, John, is back from the ballpark
And Tryingtofoolya, Alex, is through with NCAA basketball, and back from the ball game.
Now that Deters, Joe is back from Cleveland.
CAJD is pleading with them to stop wasting tax payers dollars, to be gracious and fair, step out of the way, and let Tracie Hunter take her judges’ seat.
Our children need Hunter. (singing) "I believe the children are our future..."
I’m sure Williams, despite his friendship with Deters, is a nice man. He should have no problem finding work. Here’s a thought... he could go and be the prosecutor because Lawd knows Deters rarely shows up for work. Scrath that. No more Deters' types in the persecutor's office.
Folks, activists, advocates, may you be encouraged to contact the folks preventing Tracie Hunter from becoming a judge-- contact them and tell them, enough foolishness, count the votes.
Good Friday , Dear Readers